Following the links below you can download a free demo-version of
SimuLase_Designer™ Version 3.0 as well as the full manual for
SimuLase that includes detailed instructions about how to use the features
of SimuLase_Designer and the implemented physical models. You can also
download a quick-start guide for SimuLase_Designer.
If you have already purchased
SimuLase_Designer from NLCSTR and would like the latest version of the GUI, please contact
NLCSTR. For updates to the program please check
the page Updates.
Download Instructions:
If you have an older version of SimuLase_Designer, un-install that
version first by selecting "Start | Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs" on your Windows machine,
highlight "SimuLaseD_Demo" and click "Remove".
To download and install the GUI click the appropriate link below.
A dialog box should appear. Click OK to the option "Open with the default application (CompressedFolder)".
Once the file has been downloaded
a filemanager window should appear.
Click on the file "SimuLaseD_Demo.msi"
and follow the usual installation instructions appearing afterwards.
Once you have successfully installed the GUI a "SimuLase_Designer"-icon ,
, should appear on your desktop.
Please contact us at for trouble shooting or any feedback.